
10 tips to clear IAS exam


Preparing for the IAS Exam takes a lot of grit and determination. One needs to be clear minded in order to plan the right strategy for the preparation.

Here are 10 tips to help you clear your IAS Exam with panache:

  • Understand the importance of strategy

IAS Exam is not any random exam and hence its preparation cannot be random either. Strategize well so as to reap the best benefits from the resources available to you. Planning your day-to-day routine is the first step. What you need to understand is that there is nothing called one-size-fits-all strategy in this preparation. You need to understand your own strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly.

  • Your syllabus is your Bible

Know your syllabus inside out and upside down. Some even advise memorizing it so that it makes preparation easier. It is a known fact that most of the questions in the exam are taken directly from the syllabus. Make relevant notes on current affairs and relate them to topics in the syllabus.

  • Newspaper turn best friend

Develop a habit of reading the newspaper every day. Even though the questions asked in the exams are from the syllabus they all have references to latest current affairs in them. Hence it is of prime importance to be up to date with the current affairs scenario.

  • Importance of writing practice

Never ignore the importance of writing practice. Many feel that since they are well versed with the topics they do not need to practice writing them. This is a huge mistake. Aspirants need to understand clearly that they have to express their views and opinions in written words within the given space and time. This requires good practice as you will get approximately 8 minutes to complete each answer.

  • Revise constantly

Revision is important and it needs to be done on a regular basis. Do not leave revision for the last minute. Set some time daily for it. Make sure you revise all that you have learned and do not leave out anything.

  • Take mock test regularly

Mock tests will give you an accurate measurement of all your strengths and weaknesses. You will get a clear understanding of where you need to put more effort and which areas are your strong points. Do not leave the tests series for the end. Do constant self assessments through free online tests that are available on the internet. These will help you prepare better.

  • Do not ignore compulsory papers  in your preparation

Many aspirants put all their efforts on the general studies and optional subject. They tend to keep compulsory papers of English, Essay and Indian Language in the back burner. This is a huge mistake as the UPSC exams take into consideration the marks of all subjects and not just the General Studies and Optional Subject. The Essay part, no doubt, is a general topic but it is still advisable to practice writing them keeping in mind time constraints during exams. Every mark counts in the final score hence ignoring any part of the syllabus would be a grave mistake.

  • Choose the right optional

Do not copy others while choosing an optional subject. Many factors come into play while you choose your optional subject. Keep in mind your interests, availability of material, your knowledge of the subject, your academic background and your strength on the subject. There is no fixed formula or correct option for choosing your optional subject. What worked for one person may not work out for you. So keep in mind your own strengths and interests while picking your optional subjects.

  • Invest in the right books

There are a huge number of books available for IAS Preparations. It can be confusing while choosing the right ones. NCERT books are a great resource for your basic preparations. Consult experts on the choice of books and then invest in them. For extras there are more materials on the internet than you can handle.

  • Don’t stress

This is easier said than done for many. But it is important to keep calm while preparing for the IAS Exam. Stressing will keep you from doing justice to your preparations. Take time out once in a while just to relax. Those few hours of no study can actually boost your memory power later when you get back to your books. Maintain your health, eat well, rest well and take a well deserved break once in a while to recharge your mind, body and spirit.

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