
5 Scientifically Confirmed Health Benefits of Traveling Overseas


Are you looking for a good reason to travel abroad? Check out these scientifically confirmed health benefits of traveling overseas.

The next time your boss hesitates to let you take a vacation, tell him that it’s scientifically proven to improve your work performance. In fact, it can improve your health.

Human health is not just physical, but mental. Many people, even doctors, underestimate the powerful role mental health can have on overall wellbeing. Traveling gives people the opportunity to not only engage their physical body but relax and stimulate your mind. It may even be a time to work through difficult emotions.

If you’re looking for scientific evidence to prove you need a vacation, check out the facts below.

  1. It Enhances Health and Wellness

Your health is a complicated intersection of diet, exercise, environmental factors, genetic factors, and other internal or external factors. While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what improves your health and wellness while traveling, there are studies that show clear benefits.

This could also be attributed to the placebo effect. People perceive their own health and wellness as better when on vacation and worse after they return.

  1. It Reduces Stress

One specific way that traveling improves health and wellness is by reducing stress. After all, it makes sense; you’re far away from many of the stresses that complicate daily life.

There are some potential travelers who get stressed out by the thought of planning an entire trip in a foreign country. Not to worry — companies like 1 Altitude and others have amazing tour plans ready to go. Tourists need only to sign up, pay, and follow along.

  1. It Improves Creativity

It’s an unexpected benefit, but traveling can improve creativity. Believe it or not, putting yourself into a situation where you absorb so many new things and have to adapt creates more cognitive flexibility and encourages greater creativity.

It’s no secret that some of the greatest writers in history are well-traveled. It forces travelers to think in new ways that increase neuroplasticity — making the brain more flexible.

  1. It Creates Happiness

One study compares happiness derived from materials purchased versus happiness derived from experiences purchased. The experiences produced much more enduring happiness.

Traveling definitely falls under the category of experience. In fact, it even provides travelers with happiness just by planning and anticipating the trip.

  1. It Lowers Depression

Considering that travel alleviates stress, improves health, and increases happiness, it’s no surprise that it also lowers depression.

According to the Wisconsin Medical Society, women who travel biannually are less likely to experience depression. However, if you are experiencing depression symptoms, make sure to consult a professional before booking a trip.

More Scientifically Proven Reasons to Travel

Scientifically, traveling is beneficial for your health and work performance. A healthy mind and body can help any individual maintain good relationships with friends, families, and colleagues. It makes the daily problems of life easier to manage.

For more insightful travel news and tips, make sure to check out our page.

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