
An Overview about Freemasonry: Know the facts behind this!


Freemasonry is a social institution which can be discovered around the world.  It is one of the world’s traditional and fraternal organizations. Its main focus is the concept of brotherly love between its members, the propagation of charitable relief to those in need and the maintenance of old traditions and customs in a private setting.

Know something interesting about the Freemasonry

It is generally considered that the Masonic fraternity progressed out of a guild of stone-masons dating from the middle-ages.  As the hundreds of years passed, many people in society became members those masonic guilds and by the early enlightenment era, Freemasonry had become a simply public and fraternal organization which maintained the traditions and methods of those original guilds.

A Brief about Freemasonry

  • Despite common viewpoint, Freemasonry is not a political or religious organization. In fact, those two subjects are not to be mentioned at any Masonic meeting.
  • Freemasonry allows men from various areas of the community to fulfil together as equals, regardless of religious background, political leaning, class or any other public category.
  • Members of the Freemasons therefore easily create good friends and associates from many different walks of society.

All Seeing Eye, Eye, Symbol, Sign, Pyramid, Illuminati

  • Freemasons fulfil together in individual units called Lodges. Lodge meetings are basically private assemblies where the business of a Lodge occurs.
  • While there are traditions and requirements within the Fraternity, much of a Lodge meeting is taken up with simple business such as moments, letters and other things that would usually be discovered on the plan of a Panel.

How to join?

If you know someone who is already a Freemason, get in touch with them and tell them you have an interest. Many people think that to become a Freemason, one must be welcomed to participate in. They can tell you more about the next steps in the process. You might like to be present at some public activities before you make a decision which is usually possible.

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