
Easy Ways to Brighten Up Your Office


It shouldn’t be a shock for business owners that not everyone likes to go to work. Of course, managers and CEOs should make every effort to have a welcoming culture and supportive work environment. That goes a long way, but there will still be some employees who dread punching in every day. You may not be able to turn them into your business’ biggest cheerleaders, but there are some things you can do to make the physical environment of your business more inviting. It’s easy, there’s no downside, and it may brighten the mood of some grumpy staff members.

Add Some Plants

Whether you have an open office plan or office cubicles, adding some plant life does three things to improve your location. First, they create a more welcoming environment than the cold clinical look of many offices. Second, they will introduce fresh smells into the air, which provides an obvious benefit. Third, speaking of air, natural plant life will improve circulation. Just make sure you’re caring for them and are sensitive to employees how may have allergies.

Change the Lighting

Ideally, your building would let in bright, natural light with lots of large windows. If this isn’t the case, break away from the dreariness of overhead fluorescent lighting. Re-doing all your office’s lights can be expensive, but a great alternative is turning them off and strategically placing bright, warm floor lamps or installing non-fluorescent overhead lights.

Paint the Walls

Just as lighting can affect people’s moods, the color of the walls in spaces where they spend lots of time can impact their mental state. White and gray are cold and uninviting. Try to use a cool or neutral color scheme to convey relaxation. Avoid warm colors like red. They have their place in the home, but in the office, they can ratchet up nervous energy.

Hang some wall art:

Overall, perfect wall art can make such a big difference to your office. It sets the tone for your space, reinforces any impression you want to evoke within you, and interacts with your unique style. It adds definition, dimension, and depth to a room, and allows you to play with pops or different settings. Adding some colored pops to your office is a great way to brighten up your home office and make things more welcoming. Hang any kind of desk wall art painting in bright color frames. You can hang a large piece of affordable art, place some small decor items in an interesting way or go all out and create a gallery wall. Large, or small walls, you should hang your art in a way that makes the empty space look more enjoyable.

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