
Ethiopian Medical Students Improving Healthcare in Africa


Visiting Healthcare in Africa is one of the most life-changing experiences. When visiting Ethiopia is quite an amazing new perspective and it is considered the most renowned purpose. There are many numbers of improvements seen in the area and many they are also made by the students.  Most of the students are also determined in influencing about the way if medicine and others are practiced in the place. Global Health Grant is words that are spoken by 6th-year Medical students from Ethiopia called Ekram Abdu Seid who is the elicited as the impromptu round of the applause from the MSIH students that are well presented in the farewell manner. When visiting this MSIH, you could learn about the hospital and it is convenient to take a great deal on the knowledge that you could get in an excellent manner. Mike Diamond is MSIH’s Global Health coordinator who has been sending the MSIH students to the regions of Ethiopia and especially for the 4th year clinical clerkships. In fact, it is also quite important to get to know about the two-way street and brings the students to Israel. In the last 6 years, there were 8 Ethiopian medical students passed MSIH

Hierarchical Education System:

The Hierarchical Education System is established based on the healthcare in Africa. Elshaday also states that it is very different for teaching and practicing the medicine here. 24-hour medical treatments of medical studies and traveling foreign country with cutting-edge medicine and equipment introduced them to a new world. Students interact with the doctors to try to get to know the student personally as well as Ethiopia it’s much more hierarchical. Most of the teachers are also unapproachable so it is difficult for the students to get their learning aspects in the more informal atmosphere. Ethiopia has the hierarchical and many students are not afraid to ask questions. Ekram explains that the more practical and clinical teaching is quite an amazing option that you could enable to the maximum. Ekram is a Muslim who wears a hijab and nobody treats differently.  There is also greater dependences on the technology and machinery.

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