
How To Build A Wedding Blog 



Looking to build a wedding blog? Whether you plan on building the blog to market your products and services or monetize it through vendor partnerships, it’s important that you have a solid plan and strategy. To help you move in the right direction, we’ve laid out eight important steps that you can follow to build out your blog even if you’re starting from scratch. 

Step 1: Start With the Right Platform 

The first step is to choose the right platform to build your blog on. WordPress is the ideal choice because it’s so easy to use and there’s so much support for it. You’ll even find that most hosts these days offer a WordPress hosting service. Once you do set up your domain name and WordPress hosting, you can start browsing through the official WordPress site and find thousands of plugins, designs, and themes that you can use to build your site. 

Step 2: Choose a Unique Angle 

Yes, you can just try to build a regular wedding blog. However, it’ll be really difficult to draw attention to your blog if you’re doing what everyone else is doing. That’s why it’s always a good idea to choose some kind of niche or angle. For example, many wedding blogs that focus on low cost weddings are quite popular. These blogs help their audience make the most out of their budgets. They offer unique ideas, options, and strategies to plan their dream wedding even with smaller budgets. 

Step 3: Choose a Theme and Set Up Essential Plugins 

Once you’ve decided on a niche or an angle, you want to start looking for themes. Themes are basically like templates where you can customize various elements of the design with your custom content. There are even premium themes that allow you to control the structure of your site and offer advanced features. You can start your search on the official WordPress site. If you want predesigned wedding themes or premium themes, you should browse the Themeforest marketplace to look for something that would fit your site. 

Then you want to start installing plugins to enable some core functionalities and features. What are some essential plugins you should set up for your WordPress blog? 

– Gallery and slider plugins to help display your best photos/posts 
– Social sharing plugins to promote your posts 
– Comment moderation plugins to manage spam 
– Widget management plugins to help manage ad space 
– Popover plugins to help you increase your subscriber count 

Step 4: Start Creating Content 

After you’ve set up your theme, custom designs, and plugins, you need to start creating some great content. Look at wedding blogs that are similar to yours and see which topics are popular with their readers. Use tools like BuzzSumo to look for popular content topics organized by engagement metrics. Create a Google Ads account and use their keyword research tool to find what kind of searches people are making in regards to your wedding topic. 

After doing your research, start creating content for your blog. A good number to start with is anywhere from five to ten. Once your initial content is created for your blog’s launch, you want to create a content creation calendar. It’s important to create content on a regular basis to keep your audience engaged and build pages for search engine traffic purposes. 

Step 5: Start Taking Photos and Collecting Images 

One thing that distinguishes wedding blogs from other blogs is that it is intensely visually driven. Almost all of your posts will involve multiple photos. The wedding audience is looking for photos that help make sense of whatever you’re talking about. They want to see examples and get ideas visually. As such, you’re going to start taking a lot of high quality photos to support your content. You also want to look for general wedding images to incorporate into your posts. These images can often be found in stock image sites. 

Step 6: Build an Audience 

Your audience will start to grow as you publish content and promote your site. But first, you have to give them the option to follow you. Start by signing up to an email marketing platform and add a subscription form on your blog so that people can subscribe to your email newsletter. Then move on to creating an account with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Set up your follow buttons on a prominent position on your blog (usually the top middle or top right portion) to start building an audience. 

Step 7: Monetize Your Site 

Before you start promoting your site, you want to set it up so that can be monetized. If you’re looking to sell wedding products or services, create the necessary sales pages for promotion purposes. If you’re intending to make money off affiliate marketing, make sure you take the time to choose the right products or services to promote. If you’re intending to monetize your blog with advertisers, it will be hard to justify the costs if your blog is new. Until you build up your blog to respective traffic numbers, you can use programs like Google Adsense to get paid every time somebody clicks on the Adsense ads. 

Step 8: Promote Your Site 

The final step is to promote your site. There are many different digital marketing strategies you can use to promote your blog. Ideally, you want to use as many as you can possibly use. But it all starts with choosing a core strategy and figuring out how to make the strategy work. Here are some digital marketing options you can pursue. 

– Paid ads (Google, Facebook, Bing, Pinterest, etc.) 
– Social media marketing 
– SEO (search engine optimization) 
– Content marketing 
– Cross promoting with other bloggers 
– Email marketing 

These eight steps cover the critical steps you’ll need to follow to build a wedding blog from scratch. One thing you shouldn’t gloss over is the importance of good analytics. You want to use your analytics to identify the best content topics, learn which marketing campaigns are working, and what monetization setups are producing the best results. So once you’ve got everything else covered, make sure you guide the progression of your blogs using your data.


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