
How to prepare for a lie detector test?


Polygraph tests are commonly used by law enforcement agencies, government entities, and some private companies to determine whether someone is telling the truth. When asked a series of questions, a lie detector test measures and records physiological indicators. The idea is that telling a lie will produce physiological responses that are detected.

If you’ve been informed that you’ll have to take a polygraph test, it’s understandable to feel anxious and nervous. However, going into the test with the right preparation and mindset helps you stay calm and get through it.

Tell the truth

This sounds obvious, but the best way to pass a lie detector test is to answer all questions truthfully. Even if you’ve done something illegal or embarrassing, coming clean with factual honest answers is your best bet. Trying to beat the test by lying risks getting caught and making you look very guilty. If there are incriminating events from your past, talk to your lawyer beforehand about the best approach. In some cases, it’s advisable to acknowledge past minor infractions truthfully while maintaining your overall innocence. Choose Your Attire Wisely

Plan what clothes you’ll wear to the polygraph appointment. Opt for simple, comfortable, loose-fitting garments. Avoid wearing constricting clothes and accessories that could impact your physiological responses and throw off polygraph results. Skip the pantyhose, tie, belts, tight waistbands, restrictive bras, etc. Wearing layers is also a good idea so you remove or add items as needed to stay comfortable. Getting too hot or cold during the test affects your biometrics.

Get adequate rest

Don’t stay up all night anxiously thinking about the upcoming polygraph. Arriving exhausted drags down your energy levels and emotional state. Aim to get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep the nights before the test. Going to bed early and avoiding caffeine close to bedtime sets you up for optimal rest. If you have trouble sleeping, gentle stretches, meditation music, or sleep aids help.

Hydrate and avoid heavy meals

Proper hydration is key when you have a long appointment involving interrogation under pressure. Dehydration exacerbates anxiety quickly. Prep for your test by drinking plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks that cause energy crashes. Have a light meal 2-3 hours before the polygraph test, avoiding fatty, spicy, or heavy foods. You want to be satiated but not stuffed and lethargic. Eat a protein-rich breakfast or lunch to help maintain steady blood sugar levels.

Arrive early

Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early for the lie detector test. Rushing in frazzled and late floods your system with stress hormones ‒ not an ideal mindset for the test. Use the extra time in the waiting area to do some deep breathing exercises and positive visualization. Picture yourself taking the test with flying colors. Envision walks out of the room feeling triumphant.

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