
How to Reduce Shedding In Your Dog


Your furry companion is like a family member. You do all that you can to treat them like one. However, your dog requires more attention and maintenance than does a human being. Dogs shed hair. This is a natural process, but if it is done to excess it can cause problems. It can make your home less sanitary; it can get into your rugs and carpets and give off an odor that is not very pleasant.

There are certain steps you can take to reduce shedding. They are as follows:

Good nutrition

You can do a great deal to reduce excess shedding in your dog by putting them on a healthy diet. Cheap dog food is cheap for a reason. It consists mostly of fillers that make it hard for your dog to digest. Meat should be the main ingredient in the food you buy for your dog. The higher quality foods will cost you more. But your dog will get the rich nutrients it needs to ease its digestion and reduce the amount of hair it sheds.

Add olive oil to the food

This is one of the best things you can do to enhance the quality of the food consumed by your dog. One teaspoon (5 mL) per 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of body weight is a good place to start. These oils contain omega-3 fatty acids that help calm inflamed skin, decrease dandruff, and improve overall coat texture. You can buy these products at most pet stores.

Brush your dog’s coat regularly

You will need to groom your dog. It is a time-consuming and meticulous process, but it will pay off in the end. Grooming removes excess and loose fur. It also redistributes your dog’s skin oils into its fur, which has the effect of making it stay in place. You can use a bristle or slick brush. Keep in mind that some dogs are sensitive to bristles, so you may want to buy one that is less prickly and intrusive.

Give your dog regular baths

You must bathe your dog regularly. This is the best way to get the loose hair out. The latter will fall into the tub rather than on your carpet or furniture. However, you do not want to go overboard. Too much bathing can cause dry skin, which will cause the fur to fall out. The best way to proceed is to do a little research on your dog’s breed. You can also write up a sound bathing schedule by consulting with your veterinarian.

It can be terribly difficult to leave your dog with anyone, but sometimes you must. If you are going away for sometime and you must leave your dog at a pet boarding Apex NC facility, then you want to ensure they follow the bathing schedule you’ve laid out. Breaking such a schedule can be terribly disruptive. Most such facilities are more than happy to facilitate owners. In any case, you must go through the various options until you find one that is willing to follow the schedule you’ve already laid down.
Are you looking for the best way to reduce the amount of hair shed by your dog? Get what you need by visiting this site: pet boarding Apex NC.

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