
Make your loved ones feel at home with these family-friendly party ideas


The days of ringing the New Year’s at midnight with thousands of people are far behind us today. But, having an unforgettable New Year’s party definitely isn’t! Whether you’re hosting a grand night or an intimate evening for your family members, we’ve got your back covered with some of the sparky New Year’s party ideas for an epic night with your fam! 

This year, make the night memorable with these family-friendly ideas mentioned below. Let’s take a look: 

  1. Prepare count down bags 

Goodies are most welcomed on New Year’s Eve. So, make your loved ones feel special this year with a countdown bag filled with surprises. Pack small bags with different snacks or New Year’s gifts and let your family open each one after every hour. It’ll also keep them entertained at the same time! 

  1. Create a photo booth

What is a family get-together without tons of pictures? We are sure you can’t imagine a party without fun selfies and pictures with quirky poses. So, make the night an overnight success by arranging a photo booth for your entire family. Go ahead and have party props, such as masquerade masks, neon glasses, sequin hats, etc. handy for the pictures. 

  1. Have a hot chocolate bar counter 

‘Tis the season to stay cosy and warm indoors. Well then, there’s nothing more than a warm cup of hot chocolate this chilly season. So, create a batch of hot cocoa for your family members and warm it up in a thermos or on the stove. Next, assemble a station with giant mugs and extra toppings, such as marshmallows, whipped cream, choco chips, sprinklers, chopped fresh fruits, and so on. 

  1. Make space for the pizza-making station

It is no secret that celebrating New Year’s with your family is extra special and fun. But, keeping your kids engaged and entertained at the New Year’s party is tad overwhelming. Don’t panic. A pizza-making station does the job of keeping the party banter alive through the night. But hey, the catch here is to keep it simple and let everyone make their own pizza! 

  1. Raise a toast with holiday mocktails 

This year, make that midnight toast count with special holiday drinks. Mix and match some of the fun beverage combos to raise a memorable toast. For adults, you can have strawberry-kiwi spritzers, peppermint drinks, etc. You can even take out your classic flutes and pour them some champagne to ring in the New Year’s. On the other hand, if you’re having kids at the party, prepare a separate drinks menu with soda, and grape or orange juice for them. 

  1. Make resolutions together 

Huddle up, people. It’s time to make resolutions with your family. Sit together and reminisce about your past journey with them. Later, at midnight, make and share resolutions with everyone on the table. That way, you will end up being each other’s, accountability partners. 

So are you ready or are you ready? Get the party started with our above-mentioned ideas. Make the night count with tons of New Year’s gifts for your family. Have a great one, guys!

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