
Michael Owhoko on Attracting Readers to Your Content 


Spending hours on end writing the perfect piece and not having it acknowledged by the public can be a pretty heavy blow to any writer. In fact, dealing with such situations can be so difficult for so many creators that it often leads them to spiral into depression and lose their motivation to write at all. 

Your words are precious, and they need to be heard. But you need to be smart about how you approach your audience. According to a study about web usability by Jakob Nielsen, it has been shown that more than 80 percent of virtual users tend to scan the internet rather than read. They search for a particular piece of information, but they immediately leave if they cannot find it. Hence, it has become more important than ever to effectively engage with your audience so that they can read your content – and creators like Michael Owhoko can help you do exactly that. 

Michael Owhoko is a revered Nigerian journalist who also serves as a media and public relations practitioner. He is an author of several books and was also a former spokesman for Gaslink Nigeria Limited and Communications representative/advisor for Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited. 

His career had initially started off as a journalist for a weekly newspaper, The Metropolitan, where he was recruited as a Staff reporter. But after climbing the social ladder through his exceptional writing skills, he took on several different positions, such as being an Energy Editor of the Business Times and Head of the Public Relations Department of Gaslink Nigeria Limited. And these are just a few of the many roles he has taken on throughout his career. 

Over the years, he has written five books, with the sixth one still being a work in progress that is most likely to be published in 2022. Many have wondered how he still continues to win the appeal of the masses, which is why he has shared some valuable tips to help other writers better understand how to attract a larger audience towards their content. 

Embracing the Line Breaks 

Since the public consists of all kinds of people, you need to keep your work readable to a diverse crowd. An important aspect of writing for the public includes making your work user-friendly and not adding excessive complex data that is too hard to understand. 

Focus on one idea per paragraph and add in a few details about it. Introduce more white space into your writing and consider keeping your work short and precise so that you are not wasting your and your audience’s time trying to decipher the intricate meanings behind it. 

Adding Important Links 

Having internal links in your content will ensure that people are staying on your site and are reading your best and latest work. 

Through the addition of external links, you are showing your readers that you have taken the time to do research on the topic and want to cite the workings of other experts. This way, you add value to your work and make it easier for people to believe in the authenticity of your written pieces. 

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