
Things to Do Before a Laser Hair Removal Appointment in Toronto


Laser hair removal in Toronto helps get rid of unwanted body hair. A Toronto laser treatment doctor will give the patient instructions to follow before the procedure. Following these instructions increases the chances of the procedure being successful.

There are a couple of things to note before going to a laser hair removal appointment in Toronto. Ensure the doctor treating you has experience in cosmetic surgery or dermatology. He should also have experience in simple and complex laser hair removal procedures. If a licensed nurse or physician carries out the procedure, an experienced doctor should supervise the session.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon before going for laser hair removal treatment. The doctor will go through your medical background to determine if this procedure is for you. They will check your history of medication use and if you have suffered any skin disorders or scars in the past. The doctor also finds out if you have undergone hair removal procedures before.

A laser hair removal doctor in Toronto will discuss the benefits and risks of the procedure. This helps the patient know what they will be getting by the end of the procedure. Your doctor will discuss what laser hair removal treatment can and cannot do. This will help the patient have realistic expectations of the outcome.

Your doctor discusses the outline of the treatment and how much it will cost. Medical insurance cover seldom caters for laser hair removal treatment. If you are going to fund the treatment from your pocket, discuss a workable payment plan with your doctor.

Once you schedule a day for laser hair removal in Toronto, your doctor provides pre-treatment instructions to follow.

Pre-Treatment Procedure for Laser Hair Removal

It is important that you avoid exposure to the sun before the laser treatment sessions.  This is normally 6 weeks before your laser treatment appointment. Invest in broad-spectrum sunscreen to keep the skin protected.

One must also lighten the area of skin that will undergo laser treatment. Avoid skin care products that discolor or darken the skin. Your doctor may also recommend skin bleaching cream to brighten a dark or recently tanned skin.

Do not attempt any other hair removal procedure before your laser treatment appointment. Avoid hair removal methods such as electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.  These hair removal methods may cause damage to hair follicles. This can cause complications during laser treatment.

Do not take blood-thinning medications before your laser appointment sessions. Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs or over-the-counter medication such as aspirin. Your doctor will also ask you to shave the treatment area before the laser hair removal session. This helps remove hair above the skin leaving the laser light to focus on the follicles. Shaving also minimizes skin damage when the laser light burns existing hair.


For laser hair removal in Toronto to be successful, one has to follow all instructions given by the doctor. Consult a doctor to find out if the procedure is right for you. Follow all the above precautions before the treatment session to avoid complications.



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