
Tips to score 100/100 marks in Mathematics


Math can be interesting and fun for a few students but a nightmare to the others. Subjects apart from mathematics have answers which are categorized as either right, wrong or maybe but it is not the same with math. It is either completely wrong or entirely right. Therefore chances of scoring 100/100 are more in this subject. Students of class 10 can increase their overall score and seek admission in the top Science colleges by scoring out of out marks in mathematics. Class 10 students can check out RD Sharma Class 10 Solutions for methodologies to tackle complex math problems. Below are some tips to help you score 100/100 marks in math.

100% Attendance:

Do not skip any math class. In case you miss any class, ask for an extra lecture or learn it from your mate and cover the missed out topic. Otherwise, the next day you will be unaware of the fresh topic which is the continuation of it.


You need to keep up with the syllabus and understand which topic is going on in class. Also, you should be aware of the marks and time distribution for different topics. Once you have analyzed all this, you can start preparing for the exam accordingly.

Important formulas:

Maintain a separate book with important formulas, methodologies, and theorems. It will help you during revision. Keeping formula book handy will help you with quick revision just before the exam.


If you do not understand any topic ask questions right away. Clarify your doubts related to the math topics to your math teacher or friend. Do not hesitate to ask doubts and swallow them else it will be difficult to understand further chapters.

Practice to perfection:

To achieve full marks you have to be thorough with the chapter problems you need to solve multiple sample papers, take up mock test and also sole previous years mathematics question papers. Solving these repetitively will give you a knowledge about the type of questions being asked, and how to tackle them. It will also increase your speed. Discuss the doubts you come across while solving the paper.


Maintain your exam sheet to present it neatly. Because to give you marks the evaluator should understand the formulas and steps that you have used to solve the problems. Also, if you are drawing a graph or geometric figures make use of appropriate geometric tools. One important thing to remember is to attempt the familiar questions first.

To score well in your 9th-grade math, you can check out and download explicit RD Sharma Class 9 Solutions.Wish you good luck!

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