
Ways to Become a Better Runner


Now that you’ve finally added running to your daily schedule, it’s time that you look for ways to be a better runner. No matter what your running objective is, it is only with the help of professional tips that you can improve your performance. Five such pro tips for running are discussed in this post.

For most of us, finding some time in our daily schedules to get into our running shoes and hit the pavement is challenging. But now that you’ve successfully added running to your daily routine, it is essential to look for ways in which you can be a better runner.

After all, no matter what your running objective is, it is only with consistently improving your performance that you can achieve it. If you are looking for professional tips to become a better runner, here are a few that you can use-

  1. Work on Your Form

No matter if you just jog or like to run faster, it is vital to practice and master the correct running form to improve your performance. Try to keep the upper body relaxed but tall and avoid hitting the back of your foot on the ground first.

You should try to hit your forefoot or at least mid-foot on the ground while running and swing the arms back and forth at a 90-degree angle. Getting the right form can take some time but with regular practice, you can definitely achieve it.

  1. Start Slow

Now that you’ve started working on your form, focus on taking things slowly when you are just beginning. A lot of new runners just put all of their energy and efforts in covering longer distances. But this is not quite the correct way to begin.

You can start with 15-20 minutes jog with build-up increments in every 5 minutes. Rather than focusing on the distance, keep your mind on the running duration.

  1. Focus on Your Breathing

Another rookie mistake among a lot of people who’ve recently started running is with regards to their breathing. You should try to breathe slowly, and you’ll see that running will get considerably more relaxed and rhythmic.

When you breathe too fast or breathe too much, you put a lot of oxygen in your body without letting the CO2 escape at a similar rate. Due to this, your lungs are not really able to receive oxygen which is entirely opposite of what you should be doing.

  1. Set Goals and Monitor Your Progress

A lot of people often overlook the importance of tracking your progress. If you are serious about running, fix a goal first and divide it into smaller parts. It can be something as simple as running one mile every day or losing 1kg weight in a month.

You can then start monitoring your progress to make sure that you are getting closer to your goal. You can now find a wide range of mobile apps, smartwatches and fitness trackers that can help you monitor your running progress.

  1. Get the Right Accessories

If you are trying to be a better runner, you’ll surely need the right running accessories. Good quality running shoes and proper clothing are a must.

Some other optional accessories are a wristband, running hat or headband, phone holder, running belt, and gloves if you are running during winters.

Get. Set. Run

If you’ve just started running or have been doing it for some time, these are some professional tips that you could use to improve your performance. With these tips implemented in your running routine, you are sure to experience some great improvements within a short span of time.

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