
Can You Get Dental Implants for Your Front Teeth?


Each year, an approximated 5 million dental implants are installed. And their fame speaks volumes about their excellent choice for tooth replacement. However, while implants are frequently used to restore missing back teeth, what if you have lost your front teeth due to an accident or other cause? Can a dentist use implants to fix your smile? Talk to a Wichita Falls dentist today to learn more. 

How do dental implants work? 

Dental implants work by replacing the root as well as the crown of a lost tooth. This separates them from alternatives such as dental bridges and regular dentures, which simply replace the crowns of lost teeth. It is also responsible for the greater results of implants and their natural appearance and feel. 

The “root” of the implant is a surgical-grade post made of titanium that is put in your jaw where your tooth’s root used to be. Following this initial treatment, the post is given many months to integrate or fuse with your jawbone. This makes it highly strong and allows it to operate similarly to real tooth roots. 

Depending on the loss of teeth, the implant is repaired with a single dental crown, bridge, or denture. Your replacement teeth are carefully matched to the rest of your smile in color and shape, so no one will suspect they are not natural. 

Can you place dental implants on your front teeth? 

Certainly, dental implants are often an excellent option for restoring missing front teeth. Unlike a dental bridge, which requires the adjacent teeth to be cut down for dental crowns, implants do not affect your other teeth. They also offer significantly greater stability and chewing capacity than a partial denture and the additional benefit of protecting the jawbone. Not to mention that with basic care, they can last 30 years or more, which is significantly longer than other options. 

However, one potential issue with dental implants in the front teeth is the quantity of bone in that area. Implants necessitate a substantial amount of healthy jawbone for support, and in certain situations, this area has less bone size than the area around the rear teeth. A dentist will photograph your jaws and teeth precisely to assess your needs. Before inserting an implant, they may propose a bone graft to strengthen the jaw. 

To find out if implants are right for you, schedule a consultation with an experienced dentist. They will design a treatment plan that will restore both the health and beauty of your front teeth, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful smile for many more years.

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