Home Improvement

Interesting Facts About Elevators


Almost everyone has ridden an elevator during his or her lifetime. Some people use them multiple times each day! Elevator technology was first recorded in BC Greece and we’ve certainly come a long way since then. Here are a few interesting facts you might not know about elevators.

They Require Regular Inspections

In the United States, OSHA requires every elevator to be inspected annually. Organizations such as elevator company MD can help keep them running smoothly. An elevator can’t pass inspection unless its doors open and close as designed and the car reaches the correct floor. 

They’re Generally Very Safe

If you’re afraid of heights or small spaces, an elevator ride might bring on feelings of anxiety. But despite this discomfort, you can rest assured that elevators are actually quite safe: in fact, an elevator ride is much safer than riding in a car and is considered the safest way to travel.

Keep in mind that escalators, sometimes used as an alternative to elevators, are much riskier. Even though escalators may feel “open” and more comfortable, elevators are statistically twenty-times safer.

Elevator Music Was Created To Relax Anxious Riders

It’s common to be anxious when getting on an elevator, especially if you don’t use them often. It’s so common, in fact, that elevator companies began using elevator music (also called Muzak) starting in the 1920s as a way to soothe stressed first-time riders.

Some Buildings Don’t Have a 13th Floor

Since the number 13 can be considered unlucky, it’s estimated that up to 85% of buildings requiring elevators don’t have a floor number 13.

Elevators are a helpful invention used by tens of millions of people each day. Even though they may cause unease in some people, keep in mind that they are regularly inspected and are one of the safest ways to travel. 

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