Home Improvement

New Office Space? Don’t Forget These 3 Things



Peterborough offices are bland, functional places devoid of life or meaning. If you believe that, you need to take off your shades and look again. A new office is like a hunk of marble waiting to be chiseled into something wonderful. The maxim ‘So good I didn’t know it was there’ is best applied to our office spaces. They get the job done without us realising it. To achieve this, someone had to do a lot of thinking. They didn’t just throw some things into the space and tell everyone to get to work. They had to plan. At the very least they had to get three vital components right.

Air Conditioning
What is air conditioning? We’ve all heard the term, but do we ever stop to think about what it is? Basically, it’s the removal of heat and moisture from an enclosed space. Its purpose is to make the environment comfortable and safe for whoever uses that area. It could be humans or animals, or heat-producers like computer servers. With so much responsibility, it’s vital the new office owner gets the best system. EOC Services, a Peterborough air conditioning contractor, can improve the office environment in ways you didn’t think possible. Did you know that when employees are too hot or cold they’re less productive? Were you aware that air-conditioned air is of higher quality and reduces the number of pollutants found outside? Air conditioning is much more than something that controls the office temperature.

Now that we’ve dealt with the temperature, let’s consider the facilities. No, I don’t mean the bathrooms (although they’re obviously vital). I mean lighting, fire safety, and first aid. Did you know human beings get 85% of their information through sight? With so much depending on what we see, looking after our light is as important as Peterborough’s air conditioning. Window blinds need to regulate the sunlight streaming through. Artificial lighting has to not feel artificial. Our eyes are sensitive. If badly treated they make us tired and give us headaches. Which is bad, but not as bad as getting fire safety wrong. Although modern offices are designed with fire safety in mind, they’re still a real possibility. Are checks in place to ensure the alarms are always ready? Are potential causes of fire minimised and managed? Is the First Aid box well-stocked and easily accessible?

Furniture and Technology
Now that we’ve covered the environment, let’s finish with the tools for work. Choosing the right furniture makes the difference between an employee who is effective and happy, and one who isn’t. The Health and Safety Executive provides good advice on choosing the right chair. They must be sturdy, but flexible. People will be sitting on them for a long time, so they must be comfortable too. Desks have to be well built and wide enough for the employee’s needs. Trying to fit everything on a desk like a waiter organising dishes on a small restaurant table will only create unnecessary stress. Finally, there’s the technology – computers, phones, printers and such. Obviously, they all need to be fit for purpose. Also, they have one other thing in common – cables. The new office owner has to keep those trip hazards safely tucked away so they don’t cause an accident.

There’s a lot to think about with a new office. More than most people realise. Yet, the sense of achievement when its up and running is strong. The person who made it happen has a sense of pride. It’s thoroughly deserved.


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