
Stop Your Snoring


Many people snore occasionally, but some snore regularly and they can feel some consequences. These people usually feel irritated, they have daytime fatigue and that can increase some health problems. It is not rare that the partner, of the person who snores, gets frustrated and that can cause some additional problems.

Many great solutions can help you overcome this problem and make your life, and the life of your partner, much easier.

Lifestyle improvements

Quit smoking. For people who smoke, chances of snoring are higher. Smoking can easily irritate the membranes in the throat and the nose, and that will lead to a block of the airways. If smoking is the cause, quitting can bring big relief.

Lose weight. Fatty tissue in the back of the throat can cause you to snore, so losing even a little bit of weight can reduce your snoring.

Pay attention to your meals before bed. Eating certain food or large meals before bed can make your snoring worse. So, make sure to eat nutritionally rich food one or two hours before bed.

Losing weight will reduce your snoring

Exercise. Moving your body has a lot of benefits, for your whole being and also for your snoring. Even if it doesn’t lead to weight loss, exercise can reduce your snoring. This is achieved while you are toning different muscles as your throat muscles will be toned as well.

Don’t drink alcohol or use sedatives and sleeping pills. These substances will relax the throat muscles, which will lead to snoring.

Professional help

Consulting with a professional about the possible solutions can make big differences. There are different solutions which will be recommended depending on your situation. These treatments and examinations can be done it the specialized clinics such as Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne clinic, or you can just arrange a consultation.

Some of the solutions can be:

CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

This is a machine that will be positioned by your bed, and it will emit pressurized air into a mask that you will wear over your mouth and nose.

Palatal implants

The procedure is known as the Pillar procedure and the doctor will insert small plastic implants into the soft palate. This will prevent the collapse of the palate that usually causes snoring.

You don’t need to feel sleep deprived anymore

Laser procedure

This is maybe the best treatment for snoring which can be done by the specialist in snoring treatment Melbourne from Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne. The great thing about this treatment is that you don’t need anesthesia, it lasts around 20 minutes, and you will need from one to three sessions.

During this laser procedure, you will feel hating sensation and this will tighten your soft tissue in the throat. This way, that tissue will no longer vibrate and there will be no conditions for snoring.

Final word

If you want to make some differences and have quality sleep, changing your lifestyle can be very helpful. If that does not help, find a good doctor and ask for the opinion.




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