Home Improvement

The Proper Way to Clean Hardwood Floors


Hardwood floors are one of the most beautiful and versatile flooring options out there. They have also been around for a very long time, and we haven’t gotten tired of them – meaning they are doing something right.

However, the proper cleaning and care for hardwood floors is something that a lot of people haven’t figured out yet – or they simply don’t care. Still, if you treat your floors well, they will last longer and cause fewer problems. In order to learn the proper techniques of hardwood floor cleaning, we consulted cleaning professionals at Reliable Cleaning Services.

It’s All About Soft Materials

There are several different ways you can clean hardwood floors – mopping, sweeping, or vacuuming. All three cleaning methods have advantages and disadvantages. However, they do have one thing in common – no matter which one you prefer, you should use the soft version.

Mops are by definition soft, so you don’t really have to worry about that – just make sure you don’t use too much water. This is especially true with older floors where the sealant might have cracks in it and let water seep through.

When using a broom, it’s important to choose a soft bristle broom. You may think that it’s an exaggeration, and that hard bristle brooms can’t really do much damage to a hardwood floor. And you would be right – in the short term. Hard, rigid bristles scrape against the top coating of your hardwood floors and slowly damage it. You may not notice it in a year or two, but in a few years, you will probably notice the dulling of the shine that the floors used to have.

The same thing applies to vacuum cleaners. The hard plastic of the regular vacuum cleaner head is not well suited for hardwood floors. Instead, use the soft floor nozzle. If you don’t have one, you probably can buy one that fits your vacuum cleaner.

Remove the Sticky Spills Quickly

Sticky spills, such as food are not uncommon in homes, especially if you have hardwood floors in your kitchen or dining room. The treatment of those spills is what differentiates a well maintained floor from the rest.

If you notice a spill, don’t ignore it, it will not disappear, it will not go away on its own. Instead, clean it as soon as possible. Sticky stains tend to harden and be significantly harder to remove as you wait. What you want to do is have a bit of hardwood floor cleaner on a damp cloth and rub the stain until it’s gone.

Use Specific Hardwood Floor Cleaning Products

For a lot of surfaces in your home, a universal cleaning product could be enough. After all, our houses typically don’t get too dirty. And the soap in the universal cleaning product is safe to use for most surfaces.

That being said, hardwood floors can be a bit finicky. You might be fine using the regular cleaner for a while, but it will have an effect on the floor eventually. Instead, use a floor cleaner specifically made for hardwood floors. Alternatively, you might consider using a buffing product as well.

 Don’t Use Vinegar or Baking Soda

If you’re interested in green cleaning and eco-friendly cleaning products, you may be reluctant to buy a specific cleaning product for your floors. After all, you can make your own at home. Some of the most popular and used products for cleaning are vinegar and baking soda.

And while these cleaning solutions are great for certain surfaces, hardwood floors are not among those. The acidic nature of vinegar can actually damage the finish coating of your floors and damage it over time.

Caring for your hardwood floors might require a bit of extra effort from you, but if you put the time in, you will have perfect floors for longer.

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