
Can Your Dentist Help You In Treating Teeth Sensitivity? 


One common dental condition that can hurt or cause you a lot of discomfort is tooth pain. It can be generated while eating, drinking, or even brushing teeth. It develops when the tooth-protecting enamel erodes, exposing the sensitive dentin below it. There are many reasons, like tooth grinding or tooth decay, for which you might feel sensitivity in your tooth. 

You need to see a dentist to prevent more tooth issues. There can be many reasons you face this issue, and you can easily take precautions when you know the root cause of the problem. Tooth sensitivity can occur due to a lot of reasons. Visit the Bristol, Connecticut dentist to get professional help.

What Tips Can Your Dentist Give You? 

  • Put on a mouth guard.

If you are constantly clenching or grinding your teeth, you can reduce tooth sensitivity by wearing a mouthguard. These activities overly push on teeth, which erodes enamel and causes pain. The cushioning effect of a mouthguard shields teeth from additional harm. The best comfort and protection come from dentist-fitted mouthguards. Sports mouthguards can also help avoid dental injuries that lead to tooth discomfort.

  • Use a desensitizing toothpaste.

Treating tooth sensitivity with desensitizing toothpaste is an easy and efficient method. Certain toothpastes include ingredients that prevent pain signals from reaching the tooth nerves. Over time, regular use of desensitizing toothpaste can lessen sensitivity. It is essential to use the toothpaste as prescribed by your dentist. You should stay away from brushing too hard. This can reduce the damage that is caused to your teeth. 

  • Maintain dental hygiene.

Properly care for your oral health to avoid tooth decay and gum diseases. When you brush daily, it means that you are taking proper care of your teeth. You can also start flossing, as it is a very healthy habit to develop for your gums. You should make use of a good mouthwash, too. Your tooth sensitivity will lessen if you start avoiding acidic foods. Staying away from soda and citrus foods will also help you.

Frequent teeth cleanings and examinations can also identify and treat any more profound issues causing discomfort.  You should realize that proper oral hygiene practices are essential to keeping teeth strong and sensitive-free.

  • Use a toothbrush with gentle bristles.

Hard-bristled brushes can increase sensitivity by causing gum recession and enamel loss. Soft-bristled brushes might effectively clean teeth without causing further harm because they are softer to teeth and gums.  

This will not cause you any discomfort. Bleeding gums can also be prevented when you use soft toothbrushes. Also, over time, fluoride toothpaste can lessen sensitivity by strengthening tooth enamel. Always remember to wash your teeth softly. Refrain from scrubbing them violently.

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